Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Thanksgiving...not just a Holiday

It is the Tuesday before Thanksgiving. And on my day off I am sitting here thinking about all I have to be thankful for. I will not even attempt to write that list here because it is endless. But specifically I thought about my opportunity to Go on behalf of God and share His love and His Word with the Basotho people. Think about that for a moment. The creator of the universe...of ALL things, deemed me fit to go on His behalf. That is quite overwhelming. Here I am, no one extraordinary or special (by society's standards..not God's) and I have the ability to go across the world to share the most important news in the history of the world. 9 months ago I stood on the side of a mountain and told a precious group of children that God LOVES them, that God is powerful, that God knows them by name. I am not in any way trying to brag about myself. I am simply explaining how AMAZING God is! He picks the least suspecting person and gives them an amazing gift. Unfortunately we often miss this, we don't realize the gift (whatever it may be) when it is given to us, or we realize it but we mistake who it was from. That is a tragedy. BUT I am so THANKFUL for His blessings. They are overflowing and overwhelming and I am undeserving. Which brings me to my update. I have been asked by the Floras (the missionaries we will be serving alongside) to hold an infant CPR class during my upcoming trip. Apparently the new moms have been given misinformation and it has resulted in terrible consequences. I am broken hearted that this is necessary but overjoyed to have the opportunity to teach them something that may very well save their child's life. But my plans are to take it a step further. God has laid certain things on my heart that I feel the need to share with these young women. I would like my infant CPR class to also be a young women's class/talk/discussion/lesson..whatever you want to call it. I want to share with these women how valuable they are to their creator. How much He loves them no matter what is in their past present or future. How He died on a cross for them specifically and individually. How He wants them to come to Him with all their problems, trials, fears, and worries. How they can call on His name even when they don't feel worthy enough. Big plans....but they aren't my own, they are His..and He is much BIGGER! I hope whoever reads this takes the time to really think about what they are have been given and who has given it to them. We all have so much to thank God for. And if we just took the time to THANK Him, our lives would change.

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