My calling to serve the Basotho

          In Oct/Nov 2012 I was sitting in church listening to a sermon. At the end of the sermon they read some announcements. One of those announcements was that the church was sending a team to Lesotho Africa. As soon as I heard that, I sat up a little straighter and listened a little more intently. I wasn't sure exactly what about this caught my attention, just that it did. I decided (very randomly) to email the coordinator of the trip Darlene (who will be joining me this Feb) just to get some basic information about the trip. She encouraged me to attend an upcoming meeting, so I did. And before I knew it I was on a plane to Lesotho!

...Well not quite. It took a lot of work and preparation but God led me through the entire process. Hurdles were met and overcome, doubts thrown away, and confidence instilled.

I was quite sure of my decision to join the Lesotho team this past Feb. My job was to take on the childrens ministry. Stories, games, etc. No problem! I was a preschool teacher for many years and have a passion for working with children...I got this!
Then I outlook changed.
Somehow it was SO much more difficult engaging and even approaching the children on those mountains than it was back here inside a classroom. The language barrier was tougher to overcome than I had thought, the courage needed to proclaim the gospel was harder to muster, the job itself seemed to be more than what I had prepared myself for. I felt silly....travelling all this way and being a huge letdown to myself. I was sitting on the sidelines watching everyone else doing their jobs, engaging the Basotho is meaningful conversations about the Lord, and showing the love of Christ to these precious children.
It was a low for me emotionally and spiritually.
Then, like He always does, God reminded me. He reminded me why He had brought me to the mountains of Lesotho. To be exposed to the truths and realities of the world, the world outside my own. He brought me there to encourage me on my walk with Him and strengthen my faith and relationship with Him. He did these things in a mighty way.
I left Lesotho wanting to return, wanting to share my love for Christ and His love for me. I felt after the awakening I had, I was ready to begin sharing with others. I left with a fire burning in my heart.

That fire is still burning. However when I heard of this upcoming return trip, I had doubts. I felt God pulling on my heart but I gave Him excuse after excuse. I thought surely there was a legitimate reason as to why I couldn't return this time. I wanted to, badly. But how could I do it financially? What if other situations arose that prevented me from being able to make the trip physically? How could I take the time off work?  Could I go another 2 weeks without my husband and very little communication with him? I have traveled SO much the past year, is a second trip to Africa a little excessive?
Lot of doubts....lots of excuses. But the thing about God is...He has much bigger plans than any of us! I could feel Him shaking his head every time I threw out an excuse...nope, not buying it.
And I had a huge realization. At the end of my life, when I'm standing before my Creator and Savior, all those excuses won't matter. My reasons for not being obedient to what God has called me to do, will sound pretty lame.
With that, I will be returning to Lesotho in Feb 2014. I have chosen to simply say Yes to what the Lord is asking me to do.

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